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AI资讯1年前 (2023)发布 fengdao
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I Tried ’s New AI- Bing. Will Never Be the Same.


From: The Wall

Why did Bono stop using Bing?


…he still hasn’t found what he’s for.

因为……他还是没找到他要找的东西。(译注:《我还是没找到我要找的东西》(I Still Haven’t Found What I’m For)是U2的一首歌。)

knows: If you want to tell a good tech joke, just Bing. Yet ’s might not be a much . The is a with AI, and it’s smart— smart.


At least that’s my take after some time it out.


on its , – with the buzzy , is a -like bot front and on the Bing home page. You can ask it —even about news —and it will in that seem like they were by a human. It even uses .


is also AI to my Edge. (.) The tools can and with and -media posts.


“We are in the fact that this [] space,” Chief Satya told me in an . “A new race is with a new . I’m for users to have a .”

“谷歌()主导着(搜索引擎)这个领域,这是我们基于的现实。”微软首席执行官萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya )在一次采访中对我说,“如今,随着一种全新平台技术的出现,一场新的竞赛将拉开帷幕。看到用户们终于有了选择,我感到很兴奋。”

—which holds 93% of the share, to —is on ’s heels. On , the said it is on Bard, a chat tool that from web-based .


’s new Bing and Edge in a . You have to sign up on for the wait list, and once you are in, you’ll have to use the Edge ( for and MacOS). plans to bring it to other web over time.



It’s far too early to call a in this AI race. But after the new Bing in , I can say this: A big is to how we get and how we with our .


Bing With Chat 会聊天的必应

Bye-bye, long bar. Hello, big box that you to “Ask Me .”


I asked: “Can you recap the of the 2023 ?” The page gave me the usual on the left. But the trick? On the right, Bing’s typed out the , with a list of and a of é’s most–ever . The also , the of the .


I up: “Do you know if é is ?” Bing’s told me that the North leg of the Tour in July. The to be —at least, to .


I asked Bing if it would buy me a . It and said it didn’t have money. “I’m just a chat mode of Bing ,” it said, “not an .”


, yes, but also than a . It took the AI about a to type out the . There is a “Stop ” if you don’t want to wait for the bot to . You can your query for , it to “limit your to 100 words.”

它的回答令我眼前一亮,这点不假,但它的反应速度比不上普通搜索引擎。它用了一分钟左右才敲出格莱美获奖名单。如果你不想等它说完,页面上有一个“停止响应”(Stop )按键。你也可以再要求它简短一些回答,告诉它“把答案控制在100个词以内。”

The new Bing is based on an model that’s more and than what’s in its . More , it now has Bing’s vast of the world and .


Still, it won’t get right, Yusuf Mehdi, ’s vice for , told me. The is to set with like “This is not a .”

尽管如此,微软负责消费领域营销的副总裁尤瑟夫·迈赫迪(Yusuf Mehdi)告诉我,必应的回答也不会次次令人满意。按照程序设定,系统会通过一些语句来影响人们的预期,例如“这并非确切答案。”

I tried lots of other . To prep for my , I asked: “In the voice of Stern, a list of to ask Satya about AI.” While the didn’t quite nail my voice, it some . I asked it to these in the voice of Satya . You’ll have to watch the video to see who best, Human Satya or AI Satya.

我还提了许多别的问题。为了给采访做准备,我问它:“以 Stern的口吻,向萨提亚·纳德拉提一些关于AI的问题。”尽管它对我的语气模仿得不是很像,但还是提出了一些像样的问题。后来,我又让它以纳德拉的口吻来回答这些问题。要想知道谁回答得更好,是纳德拉本尊,还是AI版纳德拉,可以看看这段视频。

“With much all going , you’ll start with a draft,” Mr. said. “That doesn’t mean you don’t get to the draft, the draft and or edit the draft.”



It’s true. I have to use to help jump-start ideas for , , and video .


Edge With AI 懂AI的Edge

As a Edge user, I am about the new Bing in the upper-right . It a panel of AI tools for the web.


If I were this very , I could tell the bot to “ this for me in five .” Yes, my words . In one demo I saw, the tool down a five-page to a few .


In the panel’s tab, you can tell it to write you wish—an email to your boss, a post, an on a job . You can the tone (, , funny, etc.), (short, , long) and (, email, blog post, list).


The has in place to hate and other , Mr. said, that has AI and .


AI tools are for , Mr. said, but he ’t say when.


What this means is that ’s , which only , will soon in some of the world’s most . will be able to of and will be able to save hours memos and , all using a few . ( can use AI to code using ’s .)

这意味着,当初的一个小项目——去年感恩节前后才向公众发布——很快将出现在全世界最常用的一些软件中。有了它,学生可以直接生成论文草稿,职业人士也无需花太多时间去撰写备忘录或是准备“头脑风暴”的展示内容,所有这一切只需几个简单的提示便能完成。(软件程序员已经可以借助微软的AI编程工具 来写代码。)

Mr. said he this is a step , not a sign that will soon put us all out of . “This is going to help us do our jobs , some of the ,” he said. “I think we need a boost.”


At the very least, we’ll get back some of the time we spent on old Bing… to find what we were for.



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