如何用chatgpt修改雅思作文 雅思写作正确的涂改方法

AI资讯1年前 (2023)发布 fengdao
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雅思写作中常见错误:There are many go .



这个错误在广大雅思考生的习作中是极为普遍常见的,从中文直译考量没有任何问题:“有许多学生出国留学”,“有”这个莫名奇妙的字在中章里常被当做一种语气助词使用,习惯进行汉英翻译的考生们便因此犯了名为“run – on ”这样一个错误。“A run-on is in which two or more (that is, ) are or .”(两个独立完整的单句没有通过正确的标点符号或者连词进行连接)。上面的例子让我们不禁想起韩乔生名嘴那句有名的解说:“_X以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势……”,令人忍俊不禁。

探究这一错误的原因,教师分析认为主要还是考生对英文写作的句式分割概念不清,中文句子分割常常是从意义出发,只要意思没有表达完毕,可以一句连一句地持续写下去,直至内容结束。而英文句子是按照结构划分的,只要句子含有完整的主谓结构(祈使句等除外,在雅思写作中不多见)就可以独立成句。如果忽视中英文写作表达的区别,就会出现 “一逗到底”的断句方式,这是很多雅思考生的顽症和恶疾。例子中的错误就在于将两个单句“There are many .” 和“Many go .”想当然地混合在了一起。


修正方法一:将句子分割成两个独立的简单句:There are many . They go .这种方法虽然没有任何语法错误,但连贯性不强而且过于简单,比较适合于写作初学者,在雅思写作中不予推荐。因此我们可以将其进行进一步的改良:1)增加连接词,根据本句的含义,可以增加表顺接的连词“and”:There are many and they go . 2)用分号分隔句子:There are many ; they go .

修正方法二:去掉根据中文直译而多余的“there be”,直接恢复成一个简单句:Many go . 句子简单明了,符合英文习惯。

修正方法三:将其中一个句子保留作为主体句,根据句子意义将另外一个句子变成某个从属成分或是从句:1)There are many going . 2) There are many who go .满足了某些学生希望使用复杂句型或是非谓语动词的需求。


我们再来看一个也属于“run-on ”的例子:Some think that pets make too much noise and the , pets a good way to kill the time.

根据刚才我们对于“run-on ”的说明和分析,这个句子没有正确地运用连词来分隔句子,而是将“”这个副词当做连词使用。这种错误在雅思考生中间也十分常见,主要问题是由于对词性把握不够。我们先根据刚才的思路重新修正一下这个句子:

1) Some think that pets make too much noise and the ;, pets a good way to kill the time.

2) Some think that pets make too much noise and the ,while pets a good way to kill the time.



1) 连词:由于本句为因果关系,我们可以将前半句变成一个原因状语从句,as作为连接词:As the pace of life , to have fast food than cook by at home.

2) 介词:还是在原因上进行变化,将其变成一个句子的状语结构,选择with: With the fast pace of life, to have fast food than cook by at home.

3) 副词:将后半句变成一个具有结果意义的分句,选择:The pace of life ; , to have fast food than cook by at home.

因此,要避免“run-on ”的第二个诀窍就是要分清不同连接词的词性,根据其语法特性搭配不同的结构。


1) 检查句子中的谓语动词数量,如果是多个动词并用,且意思并列,会出现连词如and;否则就应该被转化为非谓语动词(to do, -ing, -ed),或是从句中的成分。避免动词混用造成句子堆积。

2) 确认所用连接词的词性,不要想当然地使用,借助词典,永远是学英语的好帮手。

雅思大作文: homes in

雅思大作文题目: some older to live in the with other than with their adult . Is it a or ?

Give for your and any from your or .


of low birth rate have a of and thus the -age has more in with daily job and care of old at the same time. , more have to homes and it is to be and .

. For their , peer-to-peer of age helps and well-being as they share in which of are of for the aged can be of the easy to . In , they can enjoy daily care on and , the and hence life span. two are their adult and the , the can focus more on their own life and work and the need not worry about the ’ and .

, the may still from two , the aloof and the short of money. To be , the may face the risk that the may never pay a visit and it is a cruel and which as the cases stand. It is more that all the are not in some , which means they to live , which gets in the aging , or to ask for the from when not.

To sum up, homes in is a and and it has . , some like a and on these can be taken to the in ’s later life.


雅思大作文:a free flow of labor force from

雅思大作文题目:The young in the are their jobs or every few years. What do you think are the ? Do you think the the ?Give for your and any from your own or .


In my , used to be to a for a time by or . , this is no the case and are free to their . To a or a , than a , young opt to their job. In , with have not a clear of their life . It is for them to be to , to the and to find out their and .

This of work force has on both and . They are to make their in the based on their needs. As a , they are more to be and both get . the are with more and . In , job tend to , hence a high of to a new .

, there are risks when young their job too . In that case, their can be . What’s worse, they are not able to down until their 30s or 40s, which leads to a and . In some cases, job means their , and this can their . On top of the , their can also be .

To sum up, a free flow of labor force from which to a more . job in is for young to adapt to the and their and in . But too much would be to .

雅思大作文:life in a ‘-away’

雅思大作文题目: are in a ‘-away’ where they use for a short time and then . What cause this and what it may lead to?

Give for your and any from your own or .

Write at least 250 words.


The life span of items has been ever since the great of , which in their clear-cut of being away over a after . The major of this lies in the of and the and of users, thus to some on , and .

The of fast on three main . The prime and one to blame is the great of on goods , which hence bring of goods with more . , the have to the life cycle of and sell more by and new way more to . ,no one the at first has or f or the or at , and all were the boost of .

The are to . , as the most one, is now its toll by using land fill to water , of to the soil and waste to kill wild . As well as that, it cost a to deal with the and the young who have are from peer and heavy debt.

To sum up, it seems to be to ‘s for the sake of life and . It is to fear a worse in the near .


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